Sample Write En

API for creating / modifying a sample #

Principle #

This API allows, from a third party application, to create or modify a sample in a collection.

Two modes are available: either the third-party application provides columns that are in accordance with what is expected by Collec-Science, or it calls (in the variables provided) a dataset model that will rename the columns, or even the contents of the reference tables.

Before any creation, the samples are searched according to several possible criteria. If no sample is found, it is created. If not, it is modified.

The API also creates referents, stations or campaigns if they do not exist beforehand.

If the UID or main identifier of the container is specified, the entry transaction will also be created.

Identification #

Consult this document to create the API user, generate a token and give him the appropriate rights: Identification for web services

Default call #

URL : index.php?module=apiv1sampleWrite

The API must be called in http POST mode.

Variables to provide #

Variable nameDescriptionrequired
loginLogin of the account used to call the APIX
tokentoken of identification associated with the loginX
localeLanguage code used for error messages or date formatting. Default: fr, otherwise ’en’ or ‘us’
template_nameName of the dataset template to format the data beforehand. In this case, the following columns may be different (they will be translated by the dataset template application)
uidUID of the sample (if known)
identifierbusiness identifier of the sampleX
uuidUniversal Identifier : universal identifier of the sample
sample_type_nameName of the sample type. It must correspond to an existing sample type.
collection_nameName of the collectionMandatory if the login is associated with more than one collection
sampling_dateSampling date, in Y-m-d H:i:s format
sampling_place_nameSampling station. If it does not exist, it will be created automatically.
multiple_valueInitial quantity in the sample (sub-sampling)
metadataList of associated metadata, in JSON format
md_itemcolumns starting with md_ will be included in the sample metadata
expiration_dateSample expiration date, in Y-m-d H:i:s format
campaign_nameName of the sampling campaign. It will be created if it does not already exist.
country_codeOfficial two-digit code of the country of collection
country_origin_codeOfficial two-digit code of the country that provided the sample
wgs84_xsampling longitude, decimal (WGS 84)
wgs84_ysampling latitude, decimal format (WGS 84)
referent_nameName of the referent. Will be created (with his first name, if provided) if it does not exist beforehand.
referent_firstnameFirst name of referent
location_accuracyAccuracy of the location of the sampling site
object_commentfree comment
secondary identifier codeIf secondary identifiers can be used, specify the code for them and the associated value (e.g., IGSN:125)
parent_uiduid of parent sample, if known
parent_uuiduuid of parent sample, if known
parent_identifierbusiness identifier of parent sample, if known
parent_codesecondary identifier code of parent, if known
container_uidUID of the container into which the sample is to be inserted
column_number, line_numbernumber of the column and line into which the sample is inserted

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Sample search order #

By default, unless a dataset template is used, samples are searched in the following order:

  1. uid: internal identifier in Collec-Science
  2. uuid: universal identifier
  3. identifier: business identifier. It is searched only in the considered collection.